Dumore Grinding Wheels for Tool Post Grinders

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Dumore Tool Post Grinding Wheels

Grinding wheels for Dumore tool post grinders are available in four different types for grinding the various materials encountered in the majority of grinding applications. Each wheel type is designated by a spec. code number, which appears in parentheses in the list below. Explanation of the codes are as follows:

• (1) General-purpose, for steels of hardness up to Rockwell C-45.
• (2) For cast iron, brass and other Non-Ferros Metals.
• (3) For stainless steels and steels of Rockwell C-45 to C-59.
• (4) For steels of Rockwell C-60 and higher.
Please note: Delivery on Dumore Grinding Wheels are 7-10 days.
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